
Investing is harnessing the power of your green army!
Investing is the secret sauce that makes early retirement possible. learning how to put your green army to work and the power of compounding interest is a huge force multiplier. this page has investing specific articles I’ve written to help you better understand how much you need invested to retire. Thoughts on different investing strategies. Along with some some articles intended to highlight some pitfalls that would be best to avoid.
We’ve all heard the saying “Sell In May & Go Away” but where did it come from? What does it Mean? And most importantly, historically has this been a profitable trading strategy?
The most important part of your investment journey getting your first $100K invested. It will take you about 1/3rd the time to hit this milestone as reaching the full $1 Million.
Why is this first chunk so difficult? Heres what you can do to speed it up.
You hear it all the time, people say this will a good year in the markets because it’s an “Election Year” the logic is usually along the lines of one party or another trying to buy votes. But is their actually a correlation? What does the data say
As the stock market rages higher setting new all-time highs and inflation measures such as January’s CPI numbers coming in hot market economist are starting to raise the alarm about the return of stagflation.
As we head into 2024 the FED will be cutting rates while stock markets are at all time highs. We’ve seen this before & I’m becoming fearful while others are greedy.
Here’s my breakdown of exactly how this recession will play out and how it's probably not what you think.
Wondering “how much longer is before I can retire?” or “how much you I need to save for retirement?”.
This Retirement Calculator will answer both those questions! Plug in your numbers and it gives you an answer how does it work?
Welcome to the 2nd Monthly update of the Beach House Project (1st full month) Lets take a look at our total progress so far and how the portfolio weathered the rough month of October.
They say making your first $100K is the hardest and once you’ve done it you’re 1/3 the way to a million because the compounding effect of just getting started is huge!!
Welcome to the first Monthly update of the Beach House Project where I walk you thru starting with ZERO and making your first $100K
They say making your first $100K is the hardest and once you’ve done it you’re 1/3 the way to a million because the compounding effect of just getting started is huge!!
I’ve always wanted a beach house! I grew near the water and spend a lot of time on the lake and Pacific Ocean in the summers. One of our good family friends even had a house on the lake with its own beach and boat dock. A lot of great summer memories were spent there. It’s time to get serous and build that dream for myself, and this is how I’m going to do it!
Excited to announce my second Podcast interview! We jump on The Passive Income Podcast with Dividend Dave!
A fun over some beers style chat where we talked about retiring early, going blind, and what I’m currently investing in. He also had a fun quick fire section where we talked about REITS, Picking Stocks, Value Traps, and more.
Hey Guys!!
I haven’t written an article in a little while but I’ve been busy! Excited to announce my first Podcast interview! Lauren over at Adulting Is Easy asked some really insightful questions and I enjoyed sharing my experience navigating the process of going blind and how I managed to retire Early!
One of my all-time favorite quotes is:
“Your rate of return is less important than not getting wiped out”
-Charlie Munger
This is a powerful statement that underscores the value of letting time work for you vs trying to get rich quick. Every time you get wiped out you are reset to $0 (or worse) and the clock is reset for your investment progress.
The real key to successful investing is minimizing your losses. Even a modest rate of return adds up to a significant amount of profit when compounded over a period of time.