The Blog

How I Retired In My Early 30’s While Going Blind - Retired At 32!
How I retired in my early 30’s. The first step of achieving any goal is deciding it's worth pursuing, Then build a plan to incrementally work toward a solution.

Podcast Interview With Dividend Dave!!
Excited to announce my second Podcast interview! We jump on The Passive Income Podcast with Dividend Dave!
A fun over some beers style chat where we talked about retiring early, going blind, and what I’m currently investing in. He also had a fun quick fire section where we talked about REITS, Picking Stocks, Value Traps, and more.

Podcast Interview With Adulting Is Easy!!
Hey Guys!!
I haven’t written an article in a little while but I’ve been busy! Excited to announce my first Podcast interview! Lauren over at Adulting Is Easy asked some really insightful questions and I enjoyed sharing my experience navigating the process of going blind and how I managed to retire Early!

I’m Moving Out Of State: Should I Rent Or Leave Empty?
I Moved across the country: I’d rather leave my house empty than rent it out for $2,600/Month! I must be Crazy Right? Well… maybe not.

2023 Is Here! Time For New Years Goals & Market Predictions
2023 is here!
Part of living an intentional life is looking ahead at where you’d like to be and taking steps to get closer to those goals vs looking in the rearview mirror thinking “woulda, coulda, shoulda”. Life is an iterative process and those who act intentionally will be more likely to live the life they want.

How Much Do I Live on As A Retired 34 Year Old?
While I don’t keep a budget I do check in on my spending every couple months to make sure I’m not overspending. With inflation on the rise and the markets looking a little Shakey I thought the end of the 1stquarter offered a good opportunity to review my spending and share with you guys how much it costs me to live a retired life style.

My Rich Life– Happiness Is the Only Logical Pursuit - Hint It’s Not All About The Money
So, what is my rich life? This is a deceptively simple question. On the surface, you’d think private jets, parties in Vegas, and a life of hedonism and excess like Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street. But looking past the surface, that actually doesn’t sound like a very fulfilling life to me. In fact, when you really think about it, many of the things society tells us we should have (a big house, fancy cars, luxury travel) don’t even make us marginally happier. In many ways, they further isolate us from our fellow humans and shrink the communities we interact with.
Sure, you need a safe place to live, food to eat, and a way to get from point A to point B. But those needs can be met relatively easily. Even the rich and famous who have the nicest cars, homes, and fine wines still aren’t any happier than you or me. In fact, many of them are miserable!
So what would my “rich Life” look like?
For me, being rich has more to do with the ability to do what I want, when I want, where I want.

A Letter To 16-Year-Old Sasquatch: Life Wisdom I Would Share With My Younger Self
I was recently asked to write a letter to my 5 year old nephew and 3 year old niece to open when they turn 16. This ended up being a more daunting task than I realized. In 34 years I’ve lived an incredibly blessed life and accomplished a tremendous amount of learning.