Who I Am & What Is The Blind Luck Project?

Mica my guide dog ready for a busy day!
Hey there I’m Adam the Friendly Sasquatch! (My anonymous pen name)
I’m legally blind and I retired at age 32. I started the Blind Luck Project to teach and inspire others how to become financially independent and retire early (FI/RE) regardless of their life circumstances! The cute dog in the picture above is my trusty seeing eye dog Mica.
This website if focused on:
FI/RE: Achieving Financial Independence & Retireing Early.
Luck: How to come out on top despite the odds, and overcoming limiting believes
Early Retirement: I periodically give updates on what I’m doing with early retirement, what I’ve learned, and what shortfalls you might want to watch out for.
Philosophy of Life: Living with blindness and retiring at age 32 means I’ve broken just about every “norm” society imposes on us. Consequently I have a pretty unique perspective and continue to learn about what’s truly important in life, what makes us happy, and how to live a fulfilling life.
These are questions the great philosophers such as Seneca, Marcus Arillias, as well as many others attempted to answer over 2,000 years ago. They are questions most people still struggle to answer today.
That’s the quick introduction about who I am and what this site is all about here are some quick links to help you find what you are looking for.
Site Areas To Check Out:
Guest Posts - you may have found this site thru one of my guest posts. here is a link a full lists of guest posts I’ve made
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“Life is what we make it.”
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