The Blog

My Simple 4-Fund Strategy – A Shift In My Investing Stratagy
One of my all-time favorite quotes is:
“Your rate of return is less important than not getting wiped out”
-Charlie Munger
This is a powerful statement that underscores the value of letting time work for you vs trying to get rich quick. Every time you get wiped out you are reset to $0 (or worse) and the clock is reset for your investment progress.
The real key to successful investing is minimizing your losses. Even a modest rate of return adds up to a significant amount of profit when compounded over a period of time.

What Is It Really Like to Freelance? One Freelancer Shares Her Experiences
An Honest Look at Fret Out for Freelancing?
Who is Cutout For Freelancing?
Dipping Your Toes In vs. Diving Right In
Freelancing Platforms vs. Going Solo

Top 10 Side Hustles for 2025 - Best Opportunities That Can Actually Scale
One of the best ways to accelerate your path to early retirement is to find a side hustle you love and make some extra money to improve your savings rate. Here are the top 10 side hustles that have a low startup cost, give you the best schedule flexibility, and could scale into a full time business if/ when your ready to quit your regular 9-5 job
1 - Freelance Writer/ Editor
2 - Video or photo editing
3 - Real Estate Photography
4 - Graphic Design
5 - Handyman / Contractor
6 - Mowing Yards & Landscaping
7 - Resell Stuff on ebay
8 - Start a blog or website
9 - Sell stuff on Etsy
10 - Make video reviews of products

The Formula for Luck – How to Use The Power of Luck to Maximize Your Potential
Why are some people so lucky and others just can’t seem to catch a lucky break? in this article we explore the formula for creating your own luck, the role of chance and what you can do to make sure you are in the right place when opportunity comes knocking.

Retirement Date Calculator: How Much Do I Need to Retire, and How Long Will It Take?
Wondering “how much longer is before I can retire?” or “how much you I need to save for retirement?”.
This Retirement Calculator will answer both those questions! Plug in your numbers and it gives you an answer how does it work?

How I Retired In My Early 30’s While Going Blind - Retired At 32!
How I retired in my early 30’s. The first step of achieving any goal is deciding it's worth pursuing, Then build a plan to incrementally work toward a solution.

What is FU Money? - FU Money Explained!
First what the heck is FU money? You’ve heard the term thrown around. Well it’s exactly what it sounds like. Pardon my French here, but the F stands for Fuck and the U stands for You!
So FU Money = Fuck You Money
Basically, FU Money is when you have enough money to not be bound to a toxic work environment or a boss you hate. You have the power to walk away relatively stress free, or if the company unexpectedly laid you off you’d be just fine. In other words, you don’t need that paycheck. At least not for a while.

I’m Moving Out Of State: Should I Rent Or Leave Empty?
I Moved across the country: I’d rather leave my house empty than rent it out for $2,600/Month! I must be Crazy Right? Well… maybe not.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals: What They Are and How To Use Them More Effectively!
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
What are they and when should they be used?

2023 Is Here! Time For New Years Goals & Market Predictions
2023 is here!
Part of living an intentional life is looking ahead at where you’d like to be and taking steps to get closer to those goals vs looking in the rearview mirror thinking “woulda, coulda, shoulda”. Life is an iterative process and those who act intentionally will be more likely to live the life they want.

My Simple 3-Fund Strategy – The perfect strategy to weather all market conditions and not get wiped out.
One of my all-time favorite quotes is:
“Your rate of return is less important than not getting wiped out”
-Charlie Munger
This is a powerful statement that underscores the value of letting time work for you vs trying to get rich quick. Every time you get wiped out you are reset to $0 (or worse) and the clock is reset for your investment progress.
The real key to successful investing is minimizing your losses. Even a modest rate of return adds up to a significant amount of profit when compounded over a period of time.

Interview With Investment Kage, Leading By Example & Having Fun While Doing It.
Today we are doing an interview to get to know the Investment Kage who has been very busy teaching new investors about why starting early is so important and more importantly HOW to get started as a young investor. If I had started seriously investing as early as he has I’d be significantly richer today.

The American (Lottery) Dream: What To Do Should Your Lucky Numbers Hit The Jackpot!
If there is anything that encapsulates American culture, it is the fact that nearly everyone has the aspirational dream of winning the lottery.
What it would feel like to win the Mega Millions or Powerball.
Here's what to do if your lucky numbers hit!

The Power Of Good Enough: The Difference Between Maximizers & Sufficers.
What makes some people able to make large life-changing decisions in a snap and others agonize over every little detail. I discovered that myself and my friends fall into two very different camps when it comes to making big decisions.

2022 Mid Year Review Goal Progress & Predictions
Part of living an intentional life is looking ahead at where you’d like to be and taking steps to get closer to those goals vs looking in the rearview mirror thinking “woulda, coulda, shoulda”. Life is an iterative process and those who act intentionally will be more likely to live the life they want.
Part of this process is revisiting your goals to see how progress has been and adjust course as needed.

The American Nightmare - How Consumerism Robs us of our most Valuable Asset (Hint: It’s No t Money)
Let’s talk about consumerism. It sucks. We can all agree on that. Commercialism, greed, and continually trying to keep up with the Jones are all exhausting, destroys our earth, and leaves us feeling just as miserable as ever before. So why do we do it?

Interview with Tanner AKA Dividend Dollars - His Dividend Journey.
Today we are doing an interview to get to know Tanner who runs the website dividollars.com He is a down to earth guy who works used to work in the aerospace industry (just like me), but now works in banking.
Over at dividollars.com he is tracking his portfolio progress from zero. Weekly/monthly market updates, individual stock analysis, and articles about investment strategies.

Surviving a Recession Requires More Than Blind Luck: Recession Survival Guide
Five actions needed to build your financial life raft, to ensure your financial survival during the coming recession (or even depression)
The Mile High Recession Survival Guide:
+Build and maintain an emergency fund
+Keep your options open; always network