The Blog

Your Money or Your Life: Where is the balance between Time, Health, & Money
Clutter represents wasted money, things you bought on a whim or impulse, The junk in your garage or attic collecting dust used to be money. Money. You worked hard for and traded your literal time for.

Retirement Date Calculator: How Much Do I Need to Retire, and How Long Will It Take?
Wondering “how much longer is before I can retire?” or “how much you I need to save for retirement?”.
This Retirement Calculator will answer both those questions! Plug in your numbers and it gives you an answer how does it work?

Month 2 Update: Beach House Fund – How To Start Investing And Make Your First $100K!
Welcome to the 2nd Monthly update of the Beach House Project (1st full month) Lets take a look at our total progress so far and how the portfolio weathered the rough month of October.
They say making your first $100K is the hardest and once you’ve done it you’re 1/3 the way to a million because the compounding effect of just getting started is huge!!

Month 1 Update:Beach House Fund – How To Start Investing And Make Your First $100K!
Welcome to the first Monthly update of the Beach House Project where I walk you thru starting with ZERO and making your first $100K
They say making your first $100K is the hardest and once you’ve done it you’re 1/3 the way to a million because the compounding effect of just getting started is huge!!

New Beach House Fund – How To Start Investing And Make Your First $100K!
I’ve always wanted a beach house! I grew near the water and spend a lot of time on the lake and Pacific Ocean in the summers. One of our good family friends even had a house on the lake with its own beach and boat dock. A lot of great summer memories were spent there. It’s time to get serous and build that dream for myself, and this is how I’m going to do it!

What is FU Money? - FU Money Explained!
First what the heck is FU money? You’ve heard the term thrown around. Well it’s exactly what it sounds like. Pardon my French here, but the F stands for Fuck and the U stands for You!
So FU Money = Fuck You Money
Basically, FU Money is when you have enough money to not be bound to a toxic work environment or a boss you hate. You have the power to walk away relatively stress free, or if the company unexpectedly laid you off you’d be just fine. In other words, you don’t need that paycheck. At least not for a while.

The American Nightmare - How Consumerism Robs us of our most Valuable Asset (Hint: It’s No t Money)
Let’s talk about consumerism. It sucks. We can all agree on that. Commercialism, greed, and continually trying to keep up with the Jones are all exhausting, destroys our earth, and leaves us feeling just as miserable as ever before. So why do we do it?

How Much Do I Live on As A Retired 34 Year Old?
While I don’t keep a budget I do check in on my spending every couple months to make sure I’m not overspending. With inflation on the rise and the markets looking a little Shakey I thought the end of the 1stquarter offered a good opportunity to review my spending and share with you guys how much it costs me to live a retired life style.

Why I Don’t Worry About Inflation and Neither Should You!
Everyone is talking about inflation right now and all the damage it can cause. After a close look at my finances and the economy as a whole, I’ve come to a realization. Inflation is necessary and can easily be managed at a personal level to ensure your spending power isn’t eroded.

Spend Less Save More: The 1st Pillar of FIRE
This is often the most difficult pillar for people to master.
Saving money is a core element of the FIRE movement. By simplifying your lifestyle, you can significantly increase your savings rate. We live in a period of great excess where the average person has an absurd number of luxuries. It’s not as hard as you might think to save a significant portion of your income.