2025 Goals - What I’m Doing To Get Ahead In The New Year + 2024 In Review
Write your goals down!!
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2024 was a busy year for me! I continued to grow my small biz, started a 3D printing biz, rode over 1500 miles on my bike and more! Overall I feel like it was a productive year.
Never one to sit still I’m looking forward to a big 2025! I know it’s no longer January but I’ve been hard at work since late December on my 2025 goals, it’s just taken me a bit to get to writing this blog post. For less formal but more timely updates you should follow me over on X @Blind__Luck !
What Are S.M.A.R.T. Goals?
Every year I try to establish a few clear goals. Writing them down is a good way to hold yourself accountable (what this post is) something else I try to do is follow the smart goal format which I discuss in my how to set good goals post S.M.A.R.T. Goals What The Are & How To Use Them.
A quick refresher on what smart goals are
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Relevant
T - Time Bounded
This is a simple format, but I find it useful to keep these principles in mind as we choose and set out goals
My 2024 Goals in Review
With this in mind, here are my 2024 goals
. 2024 Goals In Review
Ride 1,000 miles on my bike
I rode 1,551 Miles over 115 rides averaging 13.5 miles per ride! Super proud of this one because in 2023 I had a serous hip injury, in January I was barely able to ride 5 miles with a high degree of pain. took a lot of stretching and small steps to make this happen. But I stuck with it and listened to my body and crushed this goal!
Invest $10,000 into the Beach Fund
FAILED - well sort of, I had over $10,000 in the beach house fund by the end of 2024. However only $9,107.38 of that was actually funds I contributed. A solid effort for sure but not quite my full goal. I guess I’ll give my self 1/2 credit here.
To see my 2024 updates to the beach house fund make sure to head over to the Monthly Beach House Fund Updates Page
Max out my ROTH IRA
This one was accomplished early in the year, I do this every year and it’s a bit of a no brainer, but I write it down every year in order to make sure it gets done. If the only thing you do every year is max out your ROTH you’ll likely retire a millionaire so it’s high on my priority list to do every year.
Lose 35 LBS
Yikes… I really missed here. My starting weight was 220lbs with a goal weight of 185lbs. I ended 2024 at 215lbs. Only 5lbs down.
Good news is I didn’t gain weight, but bad news is I made basically zero progress toward my goal. one of the challenges I had was biking so many miles put a lot of stress on my body and I ended up needing to keep my calories up during the week to speed up my recovery. I also ate too much and drank beer. If I’m going to get serous on this goal I likely need to cut back on snacks and beer in the evenings.
Reach 10,000 X follower
FAILED… I didn’t even break 7,000. I’m not sure how I feel about this one, on one hand I was my authentic self and didn’t let my account turn into clickbait and pointless engagement farming. But the almighty algorithm didn’t seem to reward this honest content. I’m going to just accept that my follower count is less important to me that the quality of the content I share.
Make sure to give me a follow at @Blind__Luck If you haven’t already over at X (Twitter)
Total Score: 2.5 of 5!
Most people would call this a failure but I intentionally set hard goals to force myself to grow and expand as a person and these goals certainly did that in 2024. I think the beach house fund has been a great goal for my future self and forced me to be more thoughtful about my spending.
The goal I’m most disappointed in missing was hitting 185lbs which I know I can do but just didn’t make it a priority like I should have. I’ll need to redouble my efforts on in in 2025.
I will give myself a little credit here and recognize I didn’t move backward on any of my goals such as gaining weight, or selling investments to fund a vacation. Something I’ve learned the hard way over the years is to always keep moving forward and don’t give up ground you’ve worked hard to capture.
2025 Goals
Now that 2024 is a wrap it’s time to start thinking about 2025! I know I know, it’s February 2025, but I assure you I had these goals written out before the year started and have been actively working on them so lets see what the are!
Bike 2025 miles
This goal isn’t going to be as hard as it sounds now that I’m in decent shape. I’m currently doing one 20 mile, and one 25 mile ride a week which works out to 45 miles total per week. This works out to 2,340 miles in a year which gives me some wiggle room for taking some weeks off.
Run a marathon
This goal is going to be the hardest one on my list! Here is my game plan
Currently I’m run/walking 9 miles per week (3 runs x times a week) once I get my 3 mile time down to <30 minutes I’ll start increasing the length of one of the runs
I plan to run a 1/2 marathon in May to evaluate my conditioning and training before the heat in Phoenix gets too insane. I’m gonna be cutting it close but I think I can do it.
Making this goal even harder is my biking goal which will help with the actual marathon (extra conditioning) but will make the running training runs even harder.
in my defense I’ve run a 1/2 marathon before (never a marathon) so I’m not a total novice here but it’s still going to be a lot of work to get back into that kind of shape. Wish me luck!
2X Business Revenue
This one is a bit open ended but my plan is to use business revenue to fund my beat house fund. part of the resin I missed my goal in 2024 was I made some investments into the business laying the foundation for growth.
I bought two 3D printers, setup shipping, got Etsy and eBay setup with products etc. It was a ton of work, but I’m now in a pretty good position to keep adding new designs and filling orders with the system I have build.
I will likely add a Shopify store as well to continue growing existing product sales. If you’d like to learn more about how to run a profitable 3D printing business make sure to subscribe as I’ll be releasing articles outlining what I’m doing.
Invest $15K into Beach house Fund
Now this is a stretch goal for sure! I didn’t even hit $10K last Year! But as I outlined above the plan is to grow revenue to make this goal happen.
I post updates on this goal monthly so make sure to Subscribe!
Already got $5,000 of allowable $7,000 contributed, this will be no problem.
Lose 30lbs (215 -> 185)
So similar to 2024 I’m already finding this goal to be a challenge. the more I train, the more I want to eat.
However, since one of my goals is to run a marathon I really need to lose the weight, 215 is really heavy to be running 26.2 miles. every pound I can shed will make this goal significantly easier so I’m pretty motivated to make this happen this year.
Also running is a pretty good way to burn calories and I don’t really like to eat a lot after a hard run so that will help.
These are my 5 goals for 2024.
Part of any successful plan is getting specific and writing them down which is exactly what this post is for me.
I think these goals are achievable, but they won’t just happen on their own. I will need to put more detailed plans in place and prioritize my activities to achieve them.
I’m looking forward to a productive year! If you have any tips for me let me know below! And don't forget to write your goals out so you can reflect on them thru the year and adjust course as needed. And don't forget to follow
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What are your goals? Do you see one that I should add to my list? Comment below and let me know!