The Blog

Interview with Tanner AKA Dividend Dollars - His Dividend Journey.
Today we are doing an interview to get to know Tanner who runs the website dividollars.com He is a down to earth guy who works used to work in the aerospace industry (just like me), but now works in banking.
Over at dividollars.com he is tracking his portfolio progress from zero. Weekly/monthly market updates, individual stock analysis, and articles about investment strategies.

A Letter To 16-Year-Old Sasquatch: Life Wisdom I Would Share With My Younger Self
I was recently asked to write a letter to my 5 year old nephew and 3 year old niece to open when they turn 16. This ended up being a more daunting task than I realized. In 34 years I’ve lived an incredibly blessed life and accomplished a tremendous amount of learning.

6 Surprising Lessons I Learned From Retiring Early at Age 32
I retired nearly two years ago at the age of 32. As we come to the two-year anniversary of my retirement, I thought it would be good to reflect on and share the biggest things I’ve learned during the journey. Often times, what we expect and reality are very different. Retiring early has certainly taught me a lot in some surprising ways.