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What is FU Money? - FU Money Explained!
First what the heck is FU money? You’ve heard the term thrown around. Well it’s exactly what it sounds like. Pardon my French here, but the F stands for Fuck and the U stands for You!
So FU Money = Fuck You Money
Basically, FU Money is when you have enough money to not be bound to a toxic work environment or a boss you hate. You have the power to walk away relatively stress free, or if the company unexpectedly laid you off you’d be just fine. In other words, you don’t need that paycheck. At least not for a while.

The Many Types of FI/RE - Which One Is Best For You?
If you’ve gone down the rabbit hole you’ve probably heard terms like “Coast FIRE” or “Fat FIRE” But what does that even mean? Personal finance is… well personal and just like every person is unique there are many different styles of FIRE that suit people’s different needs, ambitions, and goals. In this article I’ve attempted to explain the common styles and a couple that I frequently see that aren’t “Formally” adopted by the community yet.

What is F.I.R.E.? What You Need To Know About The Financially Independent Retire Early Movement.
In short, F.I.R.E. is an acronym for Financially Independent Retire Early.
Many would argue that this movement was launched with the 1992 release of the book Your Money Or Your Life. It popularized the idea that your money represents life energy. It can be wasted or used as a tool to free you from your 9-5 job. Before the book, there wasn’t an organized, connected community.